Star Wars Kotor Black Screen

Star Wars Kotor Black ScreenScreen

Star Wars The Old Republic Black Screen After Hitting Play

KOTOR 1920x1080; black screen Hi folks, Recently I decided to pick up kotor again and I wondered if I could upgrade my resolution to 1920x1080. I followed a bunch of tutrials for it, and in all cases my screen turns black if I try to set the resolution to 1920x1080. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, commonly referred to as KOTOR, started life as a video game released in 2003. At that time, what is now known as 'Legends' material contributed additional. Run the game in compatibility mode. Running a game in compatibility mode is the first thing that. Knights of the Old Republic: Best Mods for 2020 (& How to Install Them) Despite its age, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is a beloved classic RPG. Players can return to it and enjoy an all-new experience using mods.

Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic Black Screen On Startup

I just bought the Star Wars The Best of PC collection and all the games run fine except for Kotor 1 (Knights Of The Old Republic) all the developer screens come on fine, but once I get to the main menu the screen is black but I can still click on the things and here the music, just no visuals. I've tried uninstalling it and re-installing it a couple of times but there is no change. I also analyzed it and it passed all test except for that I need 4 GB in my D: drive. Could this be the problem ? please suggest things I could do