Citrix Receiver For Mac Ochsner

Citrix Receiver 12.9.1 Latest Version For Mac. If you looking on the internet a Citrix Receiver for Mac So, you come to the right place now a day shares with you an amazing application Citrix Receiver is a program that hosts a set online application to allow access a user to another computer remotely and not any other application installs to use an internet connection in other computer. I had to install Citrix Receiver on my MBP for my job to launch their apps when working from home. We have since been given an 'on call' Windows laptop so I no longer need Citrix Receiver on my personal MBP. I am having an issue removing all traces of Citrix.

downloadWhy can't I download this file?Citrix Receiver For Mac 12.1

Applicable Products

  • Receiver for Mac

Symptoms or Error

User is unable to log on from a MacBook using the Citrix Receiver for Mac. The session opens and eventually disappears without any error message.


To resolve this issue, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the System Preferences icon on the toolbar.

  2. Open the Sharing folder in System Preferences under Internet & Wireless, as displayed in the following screen shot:

  1. Check the Computer Name field. Adobe pdf converter 6.0. If it is blank, type a computer name for the machine so that a license can be assigned to it.

The session opens successfully from a MacBook using Citrix Receiver for Mac.

Citrix Receiver For Mac Ochsner

Problem Cause

Because the Mac devices does not have a registry like Windows devices, a license must be issued to the client devices name. If the device does not have a name, it cannot be issued a license. It attempts to assign a license to a null value, and the session drops.

Additional Resources

Citrix Receiver For Mac Ochsner Phone Number

  • Citrix Discussions - Citrix Viewer Crashing in Mac OS X Lion (10.7)

  • Citrix Discussions - Citrix Viewer 11.9.15 crashes on Mac OS X 10.10.3 when connecting