Cognos Oracle Jdbc Driver Oracledriver

Configuring SQL Server JDBC Drivers in Cognos 10.x on Windows.

Hello, Can anybody tell me whether the driver oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver still supportable in Oracle11g(ojdbc6.jar)? As i saw some where that the support for oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver has been deprecated,so we must use oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver. Java -cp ojdbc7.jar oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver This will fail btw because OracleDriver has no public static void main (String args) method and therefor cannot be run like this. The normal way to use a JDBC driver is to have the driver on the application classpath, and simply specify the right driver URL.

IBM Cognos 10 utilises JDBC connectivity for its dynamic query mode however the instructions from IBM on configuring this are at best poor and incomplete; quite often following the IBM instructions will leave jdbc connectivity working with certain types of authentication but not others and/or working within Cognos Connection but not Framework Manager and Transformer.

Oracle Jdbc Driver Version

Here I aim to provide clear guidelines on setting up the JDBC drivers so that they work throughout the Cognos applications regardless of the type of database authentication being used.
Download the latest SQL Server JDBC drivers from the Microsoft website (
Extract the sql jdbc driver to a suitable location on the Cognos application server. It is best to use a location with no spaces in the path name.
From this point forward I will refer to the location of the extracted SQL Server JDBC driver as <extract location> and the location of the Cognos 10 install as <Cognos Install Location>.
Copy the file <extract location>sqljdbcsqljdbc_4.0enusqljdbc4.jar to the locations <Cognos install location>webappsp2pdWEB-INFlib and <Cognos install location>v5dataserverlib
If you are using a 64 bit Cognos install copy the file
<extract location>sqljdbc_4.0enuauthx64sqljdbc_auth.dll
to the location
<Cognos Install Location>bin64
If you are using a 32 bit Cognos install copy the file
<extract location>sqljdbc_4.0enuauthx86sqljdbc_auth.dll
to the location
<Cognos Install Location>bin
We now have to add JDBC driver paths to the file '<Cognos Install Location>’ but before doing this note the following important points which must be observed when modifying this file.
  • Paths should use double instead of single back slashes (an install location of C:ibmcognos would be specified as C:ibmcognos)
  • No spaces are permitted in the paths (if you have installed Cognos to a location such as C:Program FilesCognosc10 then you will need to use the short filename version of this path. If you are not sure what that is you can obtain this by entering the following at a command prompt 'cmd /c for %A in ('<Cognos Install Location>') do @echo %~sA'

Open the file ‘ ‘ and modify the line
So that it reads (replacing <Cognos install location> with the root directory of your Cognos install)
databaseClasspath=<Cognos install location>v5dataserverlibsqljdbc4.jar;
Modify the line
So that it reads (replacing <extract location> with the root directory of the extracted SQL Server JDBC driver)
databaseJNIPath= <extract location>sqljdbc_4.0enuxax64
Save the file as

Noclassdeffounderror Oracle Jdbc Oracledriver

<Cognos Install Location>
Restart you Cognos services. Note that if you have a distributed install with multiple application servers you should carry out the above on all Cognos application server machines/instances. You do not need to perform the above on gateway machines.
Test connectivity of dynamic query mode in Framework Manager, Transformer and Cognos Connection....all should work well :)